The prognosis for recovery from TB is good for most patients, if the disease is diagnosed early and given prompt treatment with appropriate medications on a long-term regimen. Modern surgical methods have a good outcome in most cases in which they are needed.The following information are obtained from the following link: estimated mortality rate from tuberculosis.-
Deaths: 930 (USA annual deaths calculated from this data: 930 reported deaths in USA 1999 (NVSR Sep 2001))
Incidence: 18,360 (USA annual incidence calculated from this data: 18,361 cases annually in the USA (1998); 8 million people worldwide develop active TB and 3 million die; 17,531 annual cases notified in USA 1999 (MMWR 1999); 5.50 per 100,000 in Canada 2000
5.1% (ratio of deaths to incidence).Here is a death rate extrapolation for tuberculosis:
930 per year,
77 per month,
17 per week,
2 per day,
0 per hour,
0 per minute,
0 per second.
Here are some facts from the following website: rates are three of the highest amongst 23 countries as observed from the link. (We would like to apologize for not using recent statistics. The ones we used dated a few years back.)
599,000 deaths from tuberculosis in South East Asia 2002 (The World Health Report, WHO, 2004)
366,000 deaths from tuberculosis in Western Pacific 2002 (The World Health Report, WHO, 2004)
348,000 deaths from tuberculosis in Africa 2002 (The World Health Report, WHO, 2004)
While these are the three lowest ones among the range of countries.
17 deaths in Puerto Rico 2000 (Regional Core Health Data Initiative, Pan American Health Organisation, 2003)
9 deaths in Belize 2000 (Regional Core Health Data Initiative, Pan American Health Organisation, 2003)
6 deaths in Bahamas 2000 (Regional Core Health Data Initiative, Pan American Health Organisation, 2003)
For more information, visit the link above.